Thursday, December 26, 2024

...Is This Thing Still On?!?!

 Good grief, nothing like finding a file of your old passwords, many moons later.

Truth told, though, it wasn't just password misplacement that kept me away.

 Long story short, I started playing in SL not long after a nasty RL breakup with a partner of over 10 years - and I didn't start on this account, but I got bored on my other one.  So I may have set out to get a little virtual revenge, as it were. I spent as much time lurking on Adult sims as I did beautifying my avatar. It wasn't a very healthy way of dealing. 

Along the way, SL burned out two laptops on me (one just a few days after its dang warranty had run out!), and one desktop video card, each time leading to gaps in my online presence and blog-post history.  Not that this blog ever got much attention, it was more for my own amusement anyway.

The other stuff... proved not to be as much of an ego boost, and not much good for my mental health either. I did spend some time with a couple of very pleasant people; I probably hurt at least one of them - but I couldn't stay, either.

So I just... withdrew from SL, for the most part. I'd still peek in about once a year on the original account. That's what I did in December of this year, and I managed to log in just in time to hear about LeLutka's 12 Day of Christmas and all the things being given as gifts.

That avatar got a makeover, naturally. And I tried to resist temptation. Tried really hard. Honest.

...I held out until almost midnight on Christmas Day, and then the self-control snapped and this account logged back into SL for the first time in over half a decade, teleporting around like mad to get as many of the goodies as possible.

The New Me is still a work in progress; my wardrobe is heckin' years out of date now. I also found out that SLink bodies have been discontinued, so I need to find out if I can still work with that or if I need to replace it.

I know I won't be spending as much time in-world as I used to, nor going back to the same unhealthy pastimes there. But I will post a pic here ever so often!

Love, Tarra

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