Sunday, January 11, 2015

More Free (and Nearly-Free) Fashion

Surprise - it's a fashion shot without a redhead in sight! I asked a friend to model for me this time, because I liked the look she was rocking - and everything she's wearing, from hair to shoes, was either a group gift, freebie, event dollarbie or treasure hunt prize. My kind of style!

Shar, ready to party!
Shape: Shar's custom shape
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Mystere (past Group Gift)
Makeup: .::WoW::. Eyeshadow Catseye (included with Mystere skin)
Hair: Blues, "Crystal" (Hair Fair 2014 dollarbie)
Eyes: Beautiful Deluxe "Intense Eyes" - Deep Ocean (Peace On Earth Hunt 7 gift)
Outfit: **Brii Underground Wear** "Kalwadi Flower Version" (Group Gift)
Jewelry: Chop Zuey "Betty 2.0" Texture Change Set (freebie at store)
Shoes: !Drakke! "Wrapped" Stilettos Cyan (The Runway Perfect Hunt 5)
Pose: WetCat "Perfect Red f3" (The Runway Perfect Hunt 5)

Looks like I'm going to have to keep an eye out for the next Runway Perfect hunt! ;D

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