Friday, February 14, 2025

What I Didn't Do Before


Got this tank top from the Shop & Hop event - and honestly? I think this is what was wrong in my previous turns in SL: I came in seeking external validation and not respecting and loving myself enough. (To be honest, that's still a big work in progress - but I'm trying.)

Just for the record, though, you can love yourself dressed up, too!


Thursday, February 6, 2025


 I tend to scout locations for photos, since I don't always have the time and other resources to build more than the simplest of sets. When I first explored the Premier Business Center sim I was focused on this lovely stretch limo to make it look like I'd just shown up at a red-carpet event in style.

After a quick and helpful chat with one of the sim's caretakers, though, I had to take a little time to check out their museum before I left; they have an excellent Black History Month exhibit up. The first floor had heavy emphasis on inventions we all use that are thanks to Black inventors. I knew about a few of these before, but there were so many more than I'd realized.

If you get a chance, please check it out! 

Style details below the cut.