Wednesday, March 5, 2025

February Fugue

 The second half of February kind of went by in both a rush and a daze for me; the anniversary of an emotionally fraught event falls in there, some RL stuff (helping a friend move, being even more short-staffed at work due to co-worker medical issues, etc,, and The Typist getting hooked on a new video game. possibly in reaction to some of that stuff). 

There's no location for this shot, as it's a set put together on a friend's bit of private land, with items from the February Shop & Hop, and items from a couple of weeks' worth of weekend sales.

Friday, February 14, 2025

What I Didn't Do Before


Got this tank top from the Shop & Hop event - and honestly? I think this is what was wrong in my previous turns in SL: I came in seeking external validation and not respecting and loving myself enough. (To be honest, that's still a big work in progress - but I'm trying.)

Just for the record, though, you can love yourself dressed up, too!


Thursday, February 6, 2025


 I tend to scout locations for photos, since I don't always have the time and other resources to build more than the simplest of sets. When I first explored the Premier Business Center sim I was focused on this lovely stretch limo to make it look like I'd just shown up at a red-carpet event in style.

After a quick and helpful chat with one of the sim's caretakers, though, I had to take a little time to check out their museum before I left; they have an excellent Black History Month exhibit up. The first floor had heavy emphasis on inventions we all use that are thanks to Black inventors. I knew about a few of these before, but there were so many more than I'd realized.

If you get a chance, please check it out! 

Style details below the cut.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Weekend Sales Fun

 This is probably my last weekend sales splurge for a little while, before I go back on a more extreme bargain-hunt "diet" - but since I'm being my own Valentine this year, I indulged in a few heart-themed items (and used at least one that was already in inventory).

It doesn't really show in the face-on image, but the hair has a heart-shaped braided bun in the back!


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

HelLO Christina!


I finally got around to trying the second free mesh head of the season, and LOGO's Christina really wowed me! As pretty as the Camila head is, Christina is a little bit more - me, I think. The angles of it, the shape of the mouth... yeah, I am really enjoying this look.

There are things I still have to figure out about the LOGO hud, and I'll be a little bit sad if my new eye appliers don't work on this head - but not sad enough to stop wearing it.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

On The Range...?

 A couple of the items on The Saturday Sale had a Western-ish theme, so it sent me in search of an appropriate location to take a photo of them. Most of the sims that came up in the search were RP locations, and I've had mixed results visiting those in the past. (Some RP locations have much stricter rules than others, and yeah - I've gotten yelled at before. 😅)

I ended up at an Amaretto Horse auction site that seemed to be empty at the time - hope they don't mind!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Playing Mix and Match


Sometimes I just like playing mix and match with new items and stuff I've had in inventory for longer. In this case most of the larger items are new (because of the new body), but it's still fun combining them.

And I went back to more wishful thinking for the surroundings; snow and cold are getting a little old.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Winter Weather


We're having a spell of Actual Winter this year, with snow staying on the ground for days and the high temps lurking in the 20s F (negative single digits C). Much as I'd rather be frolicking at a tropical beach, I figured I should show something a little more realistic.